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Utah Teen Homework

Utah Teen Homework - Teen arrested homework---Teen arrested after cops find his homework: Police in Orem, Utah were able to link a teen to a burglary after they found his homework at the scene it was in usb drive. Officers say a man reported his home being burglarized after he saw the suspect in his home the person allegedly do to him punch.

Police arrested the teen the penalty for burglary in Utah penalty for burglary utah after tracing him back at his house with evidence linking him to the burglary. utah teen homework, penalty for burglary utah,

18-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of burglary after US police say he left his homework at the crime scene.

Police in Orem, Utah, say they tracked a USB drive found at the burgled home to Dallas Naljahih. They say the computer hard drive contained his homework and was in a backpack abandoned in the backyard.

A 75-year-old man and his wife reported their home had been burgled early Saturday. The husband says he was woken up by a light in his office, and found a man who was looking through a desk.

The suspect punched the man and fled on foot.

Police say Mr Naljahih was found asleep at his house along with evidence connecting him to the burglary.

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