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Fluorescent and Starry, Some of Them They Surprise

Today I had planned to take some outfit photos during the day but I didn't get a chance, so we took these in a lane near our apartment on the way back from the cinema (we went to see Mr. Nice).

I bought this polka dot dress on Ebay last year and altered it. It's not a great photo of it, I'll get a better one some other time!

I bought this Ruby Slippers scrabble tile pendant from Artyscapes on Etsy

So I dyed my hair tonight! I'll take some photos of it at the Vintage Fashion Fair in Dun Laoghaire tomorrow. It's not quite what I had in mind but I really like it. I already have another colour planned to try out once this one fades.

Is anyone watching the X Factor? Matt and Rebecca are my faves! Hope you're all having a great weekend so far!

This and Country Feedback are my favourite REM songs. Amazing Lyrics!


Em xxx

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