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In a moment played with supernatural fury, Luke, clearly acting in deep-centred revenge for the death of his father and Obi-Wan Kenobi, takes on the figure of Darth Vader in lightsaber combat. But all is not what it seems. In post production editing, George Lucas had the sequence slowed down to give it further eerie atmosphere (whilst composer John Williams would also later bring-in a rare hint of electronic music to add to the strangeness of the conflict), having liked a similar duelling sequence heightened by that technique in his friend Roger Christian's sword and sorcery short film, Black Angel, a well received first production from the former set decorator that would show alongside Empire in key British cinemas during its original release. 

A selection of behind the scenes images on the small corner set build at Elstree, featuring Bob Anderson within a specially adapted Vader costume that gave him more freedom of physicality of movement and better helmet sight for duelling against Mark Hamill.

Bob Anderson in an adapted Darth Vader costume.

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