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Athisim is Unstoppable evicerated Black hate and racism form whack job professor Kehinde Andrews

     Bert Berg
    Atheism is unstoppable bashed Brtish identity professor Khandi Andrews and a panel talking about censorship as totally racist in a recent forum as the Black studies professor made his usual numbers of racism accusations and proudly boasts he is a black radical in the Malcolm X tradition. Atheism is unstoppable played much of  this talk and video from London of this forum in Great Britain where the population is overwhelmingly white yet the five people on the panel hosting this ridiculous forum consisted of four Jews and one angry Black deranged madman in Mr Andrews,
Everything Mr Andrews says he is able tog et away with because of the liberal academia allowances that anti-white racism by Blacks and Jews is good and this lecture was filled with even more of this talk and the popular YouTube voice and AI cartoon says the leftist shits on campus are getting more brazen with their attacks on free speech and whites. Khandi Andrews feels seeing white faces on the campus of British institutions and universities itself is racism because he is such one and how this man actually has a job in academia with his radical revolutionary talk and hate he exposes and gets away with is a total travesty of nature. Rotten scumbag agitator Kehinde Andrews basically called the white people the devils and as Atheism in Unstoppable points out this man acts and talks like things are the same as things haven't changed form two hundred years ago and this is the typical left wing charlatan that uses the word racism and has no other argument or talking point without use of this word and accusation. Kehindie Andrews is a Black racist shithead always has been one and always will be advocating violent thuggish behavior and attacks against Caucasians and again how this guy is not prosecuted for his hate crimes and inflaming people with his thoughts is a crime beyond comprehension and just proves the savagery that he represents.

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