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Review: Dermalogica Multivitamin Power Recovery Masque

Dermalogica's Multivitamin Power Recovery Masque is something I picked up when my skin was being extra "turbulent". It was recommended to me by a rep at Dermalogica, but unfortunately at the time it didn't help my main problem - breakouts - at all. I put it away for a while only to come back to it this past year and found I now absolutely love it. Having hyper pigmentation being more a core concern at the moment this one proved to be a bit of a miracle worker after all.

I've had this mask for almost two years now, which means it's nearing it's 24 months expiration mark. This hasn't been a mask I've used every week for the whole time I've had it, it would've been long gone by now then. But I've used it fairly frequently on and off and in so I'm still amazed at how long it's lasted me. It's a bit expensive when you buy it, but you need the tiniest amount and in so it's an investment that will last you a long time.

The Multivitamin Power Recovery Masque is part of Dermalogica's Age Smart line. It's a mask targeted for skin that is damaged, ageing or in need of repair. It contains concentrated vitamin A, C, E and F. It's a bit of a do-it-all mask, but it's a do-it-all mask that actually works. When I use it I find my skin afterwards to be more plump, radiant and generally healthier. It's also one of the few masks, including exfoliating ones, that I've seen actually make visible improvements on hyper pigmentation marks with every application.

If it wasn't for this mask hanging around in my beauty closets for almost two years, even moving with me between countries, I would've probably re-purchased no question. I do want to try other things, and I really don't want to have tens of masks hanging out getting older and so therefore, and only because of that I won't repurchase straight away. I'm pretty sure I will go back to it at some point. It truly is a wonderful, wonderful mask. One of the best ones I've used!

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