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Eureka Moment: Parian Spirit Brush Cleaner Wipe

I used to dislike the existence of Brush Cleaner Wipes!  Why?  Well, I just think having a brush cleaner spray is always better in terms of earth saving and brush cleansing!  

I got 2 foil sachets of  Parian Spirit Professional Makeup Brush Cleaner Wipes together with my Parian Professional Makeup Brush Cleaner as a sample.  I've used up a 60ml and 475ml bottles and I was left with these 2 wipes!  I thought I'm never going to use this!

"Do not judge the cleaner wipes by its foil sachet!"

Eureka Moment!
The tiny 2.7 grams of  Parian Spirit Professional Makeup Brush Cleaner Wipe works wonder on things we do not notice! 

As a make-up artist, I created my own brush/tool belt (as seen in this post).  I have always tried to clean this with alcohol and it never gets the "clean" that I would like it to be!  Well, it was a "lighting of the bulb" moment when I realized that the dirt comes from make-up build-up (duh, earth to Nikki!). What's the best way to remove make-up?  Make-up removers?  Nah...may be too oily!  Brush cleaner of course!

Spritzing your brush belt or any other tools can get expensive!  So I'm glad to discover this one tiny packet of cleaner wipe can clean these....

The dirt that cannot be removed by alcohol

Voila!  Looks as good as new!

There's my Charm PRO
If you're wondering where the rest of the brushes are, they just took a bath :P
All Clear!

Because I still want to save the environment, I can spritz a tiny bit of brush cleaner and continue with the "joy of wiping" :P  The cloth does not tear so you can use this again and again until the whole sheet is covered with makeup dirt!

Saves the environment --- CHECK!
Clean make-up tools --- CHECK!

Happy Nikki --- CHECK!

For reference, the Parian Spirit Brush Cleaner Wipe costs Php40.00(approx $0.90)/foil sachet.  You can purchase them at Suesh.  Pricey but with the multiple use, I used it to its final breathe! *laughs* 
But feel free to use other brush cleaner wipes! :)

Do you clean the "house" of your tools?
Keep smilin'
Stay happy!

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