Got these for $9. Yep. There's a local coat store that also sells shoes and bags, which is where most of my shoes came from! lol

These were from my "I can't buy another pair of black heels" phase. They're quite cute, but god awfully uncomfortable lol!

The bits on these are actually purple, not blue. I wore the heck out of these when I first got them and now they're a bit floppy in the back. I also am wary of them because they cut the back of my foot completely open last summer while I was clubbing in the UK.

These are probably, by far, the hottest pair of shoes I own. Bit of a story: I saw them online for some insane amount of money. Wandered up to the aforementioned discount store... $15. Same shoes. Nothing is wrong with them, lol. I would wear them more but I don't want to mess them up! lol

You will usually see me wear these on a Thursday or Friday, after I've been wearing totally trashy shoes all week. Love the plaidness.

Love these too!

These are Carlos Santana, actually -- and probably the only style I've ever liked from him. You can't see it, but the heel is bright metallic silver. So HOT.

God, you can see how much of a fat foot I have. Is there anyway to lose weight in your feet? lmao. Nah, I just have wide ones. These are super comfy and are my lazy day shoes for work.

Loved these so much that I bought a 2nd pair this year to replace last year's, and bought them in black.

Recent addition... I didn't think I'd wear them as much as I do! Love the print.

Probably the coolest pair of sneakers I own. Chucks ftw! I wore these a lot when I was a manager at a teen footwear store. Now... not so much. They just don't match how I have to dress most of the time.
Still with me? Hang in there, we've still got bags to go!

My current bag. Loooove the little studs. Got it for super cheap and it's so stretchy and roomy.

Another bag I get a lot of use out of. It's darker in real life.

My prized bag. So prized that I don't use it. I used to... and then I put too much in it (it's massive) and some of the silk on the inside began to tear from the straps. :(

My hot date bag XD.

Usually use this just for quick runs, it's quite tiny but I love the print.
I have to give you some kind of FOTD, don't I? Of couuuurse.
I was gonna go for a jog when I got home and I get out of work to see that downtown is FLOODED and it is torrentially downpouring. I ended up like this just going from my car to inside my house (10 feet, maybe?) and I had to make the goofiest face possible:

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